Edutainment Show
Virtual Exhibition Promo for Edutainment Shoe
Design Social Media Video
The edutainment show is the event IP of Event Capital. It is India’s largest Media and Design Online Education Expo. It is an opportunity for all the media and advertising aspirants and students to listen to the giants and stalwarts of the industry talk about interesting Industry Insights and about their journey. Total 50 Industry leaders and content creators were invited as speakers for various sessions. The event was slated to take place from 13th - 20th June 2020.
The need was to create awareness about the event through insightful creatives across the social media platforms in order to garner maximum registrations.
TakeTen is a joint initiative between Netfilix’s Fund for Creative Equity and Film Companion. The program aims to find and fund 10 filmmakers from India.
Project Goals.
Designed and developed a functional website that can host a competition that will be conducted across the country. Multilingual capabilities are the key feature of the website.
Designed with a very clean and modern-looking approach also brings minimalism into it.
The user journey was made seamless and small as the main focus was to educate the audience about the competition and take them straight to the Application Form page. the multilingual approach and how it could beneficial for the user.
The conclusion to the research: introducing 10 different and top most spoken languages country-wide - English, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Punjabi, Tamil, Telegu, Malayalam, and Kannada.
As the website was all about educating the audience about the filmmaking competition, we brought in elements such as a Video camera, spotlights, video reel, etc. resonating filmmaking which adds a sense of anticipation among the audience.
The website was fully optimized for mobiles and tablets. The website content was curated and written to make it SEO friendly.
Take Ten is a Multi-Language Website.
According to a rather old study posted in the Harvard Business Review, “nine out of 10 Internet users said that, when given a choice of languages, they always visited a website in their own language.
TakeTen is available in 10 different languages. The main purpose of adding this feature is to eradicate the language barrier across India.
Taketen believes in core creativity and the one thing that should speak is the content and the idea, irrespective of the medium of language amongst people.
Result Accomplished.
Successfully launched the website within a very minimal time. Easy navigation with a minimum number of steps to achieve the goal was also achieved. It is well-optimized for all devices and was well-acknowledged by everyone across. It received almost two thousand applications and half of them were submitted in multilingual. So it was a win for us.